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Tankless Water Heater Installation & Repair in Cincinnati & Northern KY

Reliable Repairs & Professional Service Since 1928

Your home needs a reliable water heater to support many daily activities. And while many water heater systems can sufficiently meet this need, many homes might benefit from a newer, more reliable solution. At Schneller Knochelmann Plumbing, Heating & Air, we offer tankless water heater systems!

Schneller Knochelmann has provided exceptional plumbing service to Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky homeowners for nearly a century. We make it our goal to offer the best service in the business and the best products to match, offering you an all-in-one service that can meet your every need.

Make The Switch To Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless water heaters are ideal for some Cincinnati area homeowners. How do you know if a tankless heater is for you? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does it seem like you’re always running out of hot water?
  • Do you have a big soaker tub that never fills up with enough hot water?
  • Are you thinking about remodeling your bathroom and want to install multiple showerheads?

If you answered yes to one of these questions, we can help you.

Whether you’re tired of your traditional water heater, want a replacement for your current tankless system, or need reliable repairs, you’ll find that with our team. We offer complete, comprehensive services and solutions.

What Is a Tankless Water Heater?

Other names for tankless water heaters include “endless water heater” and “on-demand water heater.” The most accurate description would be endless because once you turn on the faucet, you receive hot water until you turn it off.

Because it heats the water as needed, as long as you have a cold water supply, the tankless water heater can instantly turn it into hot water. They’re perfect for homes where a lot of hot water is needed, especially in homes where many showers are taken in the morning, or if you like to fill that big soaker tub.

Tankless Water Heater Installation

When you want the best in top-of-the-line water heater technology, our team can bring you the best. Schneller Knochelmann plumbing professionals know all the right questions to ask and what to check to help you find the ideal tankless unit for your unique needs.

Our tankless water heater installation process is complete and comprehensive, meaning we hold ourselves to a standard that guarantees absolute perfection in all we do! Your installation is certain to provide endless access to hot water any time you need it and will be optimized for top-tier performance and efficiency.

Tankless Water Heater Repair Service

Tankless systems are a great and effective solution for many Cincinnati homeowners, but that doesn’t mean they’re literally perfect. Occasionally you may hit a bump, like with a traditional water heater. And when that happens, you need a service team that can offer perfect repair.

We use industry-leading tools and specialized training with tankless systems to provide fast, accurate service.

Contact Schneller Knochelmann for tankless water heater repair if your system is:

  • Making strange sounds. Odds sounds are never a good sign with any appliance. The issue tends to relate to poor parts or components that are worn out, so call us right away.
  • Not producing hot water. If your water heater can’t do its job, it’s time for a professional service. Don’t wait it out — water heater problems never get better on their own.
  • Having trouble with recuperation periods. One of the primary benefits of going tankless is no recovery periods. So if you’re dealing with on and off hot water service, you need a plumbing professional.
  • Leaking or producing excess moisture. Leaking can happen anywhere in a tankless system but is most common along the piping or lines. Look out for signs of water damage!
  • Generating debris or discoloration in the water. The issue will most likely lie with your water line since a tankless system has no tank (where that kind of debris commonly comes from). No matter the source, our team can find and repair the issue.

Save Money & Space With a Tankless Water Heater

Rinnai tankless water heater

A traditional water heater must keep its tankful of water hot 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This wastes energy. Since a tankless water heater only heats the water you use, you save money over a traditional water heater.

You can achieve up to 40% energy savings when using this type of water heater. When you turn the faucet off, you no longer have to pay to keep the water warm. You get hot water quickly — and as much as you need!

A tankless water heater also frees up floor space in your utility room. They mount easily on the wall and eliminate that big tank that sits in the middle of your basement.

A tankless water heater can last up to 20 years with regular maintenance. This can be twice as long as a traditional water heater, and you’re enjoying the benefits of endless hot water and lower energy use.

Call the plumbers at Schneller Knochelmann, and we’ll make sure your water is hot when you need it.

Depend on Schneller Knochelmann Plumbing, Heating & Air!

Our certified professionals have the skills and expertise to install and service the most advanced tankless water heaters. We guarantee we’ll adhere to the strictest installation standards when installing your tankless water heater.

We’re always happy to answer your questions and help you determine the best system for your needs. We proudly offer a broad range of high-quality systems and can ensure your tankless water heater delivers the performance, cost savings, and energy-efficient operation you deserve.

Contact Schneller Knochelmann to learn more about our company and the process of installing tankless water heaters.

We’re happy to answer your questions and schedule an installation appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Tankless Water Heater Installation

What are the advantages of a tankless water heater?

Tankless water heaters don’t require storing hot water, meaning they don’t waste energy when it’s not needed. This translates to considerable energy savings and significantly reduced operating costs. 

What is flow rate?

Flow rate is critical for ensuring you have sufficient hot water for your needs. If it’s too low, you won’t have sufficient water for cooking, cleaning, bathing, etc. For a typical one-bathroom home, you should have a system with a flow rate of at least 6 to 7 gallons per minute (GPM). If you have two bathrooms, 8 to 9 GPM, and for three or more, we recommend 9 to 11 GPM.

Can I install the tankless water heater directly in the bathroom?

Absolutely! You can install tankless water heaters practically anywhere your plumbing runs. It’s common to install tankless systems in bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, garages, etc. And while typically not necessary, you can choose to install multiple tankless systems in your home.

Will hard water damage my tankless water heater?


No. Because the design is different than traditional tank water heaters, there is little chance for minerals to settle inside the heat exchanger. While you should regularly clean your tankless system, you won’t have a problem with sediment buildup that can diminish performance.

How long does it take to install a tankless water heater?


Most tankless water installations are straightforward and require minimal site preparation. In most cases, installation takes just a few hours to complete. Before installation, our team will inspect the site and provide a rough estimate based on your specific system and installation requirements.

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